Thursday, February 28, 2013

Romance - Doesn't End with Valentine's Day

I want to share some ideas with you from an article found in the Vita Community Living Services newsletter by author Desmond Bailey.  The article was about people with disabilities needing support with romance, an often overlooked need.  Mr. Bailey reminds us, "Relationships need acts of love, romance and romantic gestures in order to flourish and bloom.".  
So you know I love ideas and I love sharing them with you...sure you've maybe helped someone set up a dinner date, but here are some more concrete ideas from Desmond Bailey on romance (things you could do or SUPPORT someone in doing):
-  Give a "no occasion gift".  Surprise your partner with a wrapped present and write on the tag "because I love you".
-Listen to your partner.  Surprise her with something she has always wanted or something she desires.  She will never forget your thoughtfulness.
-Have a private dinner visit.  Ensure there is soft lights, music and there is no hustle and bustle of other people.  Plan an outing for others in the residence so the couple can have privacy.
-Work on an art or craft project together.  This is a fun way to spend time together.  Couples can work on a scrapbook or paint on canvas together.
-Take a class together.  It could be a fitness calss, cooking class or any area of interest.  Sharing common interests will give the couple somthing to look forward to and a way to be supportive of each other.

Romance doesn't end with Valentine's Day (or it shouldn't anyway)!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Restaurant Recommendation

Well the snow and ice threw a wrench in our dinner dates last week but watch the MAY calendar for our next one.
  Meanwhile Cindy has a restaurant recommendation for those of you who eat a puree diet:  CHEVY'S at the St. Louis Outlet Mall (formerly St. Louis Mills located in Hazelwood on Hwy 370) was very accomodating during a recent visit there.  The chef individually pureed each item of the meal for one of our diners.  For restaurant hours or other information the phone number to this Chevy's is 314-227-5450.  This is also a great "walking" mall to get some exercise at, it is layed out as a large oval.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Sherifa is always planning creative treats and party themes for us; tonight to celebrate February Birthdays we had FONDUE.  Strawberries, marshmellows, brownies, krispy rice treats, bananas....dipped in warm chocolate or butterscotch.  MMMMM!

 Happy Birthday, Judy Z.
 Happy Birthday, Esther C.
 Happy Birthday, Sharon W.
Happy Birthday David D.  It's a milestone one for you!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Special Treat to Eat (Easy!)

If you want to make a special Valentine's Day dessert, try this recipe from Pillsbury that only requires TWO ingredients.  Refigerated pie crusts and a can of cherry pie filling.  Click here for the details on how to make "Cherry Pie Cups".  And if you want to get really crazy add a scoop of vanilla ice cream, yummmmm.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Make A Valentine

Valentine's Day is approaching Thursday February 14th.  It's the time to let the people we care about know that we care about them!  You might purchase a card for someone special or make one.  It could be elaborate or simple but most important it's the thought that counts.  Here is a look at how I make Valentines for my two greatest loves (my daughters, of course!):
I simply draw a big heart and write in all the things that make her lovable.  It's a fun surprise at the table the morning of Valentine's Day and they feel so special. Click here to find more creative card-making inspiration from Better Homes and Gardens and visit us at the blog again soon for how to make a Valentine treat to EAT!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Art Class Opportunity

Nationally known painter and former Emmaus employee B.J. Berard is volunteering her time to offer you a Friday morning art class in two 4-week sessions starting this March (registration is open; find the S.A.S. calendars by scrolling down).  There is a small fee to help with supply costs.  Here are examples of her work: