Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beat the Heat

I've been thinking about those of you that might be getting a touch of 'cabin fever' because you normally spend your days going here and there but are staying in to avoid the awful heat wave....and I've come up with this list of fun INDOOR things to do or to support someone in doing (please send me more ideas!):
MOVIE NIGHT - TV can be boring background noise that people are falling asleep to the sound of or you can make it into an eventBorrow (from a friend, the library) or rent ($1 at the Redbox) a DVD, invite some friends over, serve refreshments!
REARRANGE YOUR FURNITURE - make an old space new.
DANCE - turn up the music, a variety of music (Oldies, Disco, Rock and Roll), and go for a few spins around the family room.  This simple silly act can change the mood of your entire home.
READ A BOOK - Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone is the current S.A.S. Book Club selection.  Consider reading one chapter a day or borrowing it on tape to listen to and then join the group for discussion and fun activities - next meeting is Monday 8/13 in the evening.
COOK - click here to visit a website full of all kinds of recipes
WRITE A LETTER - send a note to someone you haven't seen in awhile or who you simply care about via email or standard mail; isn't nice to receive a piece of mail that isn't a bill?!
PLAY CARDS - Old Maid and Uno are two easy-to-learn favorites of mine.
EMAIL ME YOUR "BEAT THE HEAT" IDEA to and be published on the blog and entered to win a Beat the Heat Kit!